Polymer Clay Journey

One artist's adventure



My name is Phyllis Cahill.  I began my polymer clay journey around November 2015.  I have not found it to be an easy medium to learn.  There’s much that can go wrong. At one point wondered if I’d ever make anything that would turn out.  It’s easy to spend a small fortune on supplies, tools, books and tutorials.

In spite of all that, I find polymer clay captivating and I persist.  It’s a good lesson in focusing on what goes well instead of what doesn’t.  My goal with polymer clay is to enjoy making creative and beautiful things that hopefully people will buy.   I sell on my website at http://www.phylliscahilldesign.com and at local craft fairs.

As for my background, I’ve worked all my life as an artist, first as a graphic designer and later as a children’s book illustrator. I live in Colorado with my husband and two cats.

Following are some samples of my polymer clay work.  More can be seen on my  Instagram page.